Tuesday, January 6, 2009

An important preamble

This is, or better or worse, my latest and greatest attempt to commit my thoughts to some kind of easily digestible medium. I am already having some serious regrets about this whole idea, as I had originally devised a far more witty title for this first post. This title came to me in a great vision I had while relieving myself (as in, on the toilet and not in reference to some sort of masturbatory activity) but have since completely forgotten what it was.

More so than previous attempts, I feel as though this will be somewhat more thematic in nature, though I have yet to really decide exactly what that theme should be. So perhaps, in this instance, response and feedback as well as my own personal inclinations will probably dictate the path down which this endeavor shall venture. Though I should state outright that this will not be some sort of memoiry-dairy kind of thing, so if this was what you were hoping for, I fear this should leave you unsatisfied.